Monday, December 17, 2007
Good Job Yesi..
This past Saturday was a very special day for one of my best friends, Luis Martinez and his wife Carmen. Reason..their daughter Yesenia received a degree from Sul Ross University in Business. We celebrated Yesenia's educational milestone at a Uvalde restaurant along with their entire family. It was nice to see Eagle Passans getting Masters and BA degrees at a beautiful auditorium. Congrads Yesi.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Running our County government on a shoe string budget
The county should look at positions that can be eliminated primarily because they are less essential. Staff travel and related expenses should also be curtailed. Any staff tasked with the economic development aspects of our county should be reassigned because businesses are coming without the county’s efforts. Eagle Pass business growth is promoting itself and they come because “companies are finding that rural communities offer low operating costs, red tape reduction and a stable and loyal work force”.
Department heads must be more creative in the way they do their jobs and utilize their staff. County taxpayers should be more vocal and constructive media scrutiny should assure that county operations are more transparent and accountable to the community.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
starting to struggle
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Good job.....
My congratulations to the City of Eagle Pass and especially to Marga Lopez who has been chosen for that duty. Marga has represented our city in an admirable manner and her credibility is impeccable. While some media will try to circumvent this new process, it is important that the city hold firm and give this new change a chance.
Monday, August 13, 2007
You are cordially invited.....
Friday, August 10, 2007
So be it.....
This is nothing new since many of us have heard similar stories. Others have said that those running for political positions in our community often are approached by the local media and offered favorable coverage for a price. And savvy campaign managers accept the practice as a necessary evil.
Perhaps the time has come for all public agencies including the school, county and city to designate a public information employee who can feed the stories every morning to all reporters. This if nothing else will free our administrators to do the job they are suppose to do each day. And if the news is bad, so be it.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
a senseless event...
Forty three years ago I was literally confronted and challenged to a fistfight by someone I had never met. He knew my name. This happened during lunchtime as I walked from the old high school to the cafeteria at the old Junior High. It didn’t take long to realize that he was purposely blocking my way to force the fight. The valiant thing to do at that time was to agree to fight after school behind the Charcoal. That initial confrontation was like an out of body experience especially when I heard myself agreeing to meet him for the duel. For the next four hours I sat in class thinking of ways to back out of the fight. I felt it was going to be an embarrassing situation. I was not good at fighting and I had no experience at all. As the hours dragged on, others would inform me that they planned to be there in support. I soon learned that my opponent was an experienced fighter, street smart and was not in school. I remember counting the final seconds for school to let out so I could go face this person that hated me so much that he wanted to hurt me.
Luckily the fight did not last long. I was told that word had reached school administrators and everyone started running when they saw Mr. Ibarra driving up. This is one moment in my life that is so vivid. I am reminded of this senseless event every time I see the scar on my left forearm. I also wonder why he wanted to hurt me.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
We made the pigeon sick
On the other hand, customers need to know that they are not always right. God knows who created that saying but it is a big lie. A business or employee should not bow to any customer who chooses to treat an employee without respect. Berating an employee says more about what kind of customer you are. Let me tell you that business people know but do not talk about a growing number of “customers” that basically “rent” goods by often returning what they bought after they have no more use for it and return it in deplorable condition. If refused a refund, they will do everything to embarrass anyone behind the counter. Their favorite final word, “I am going to the media.”
So lets stop talking about what businesses have to do. How about the customer, you and I, start by keeping our community stores clean. I don’t mean that we must sweep them clean; I mean don’t get them dirty.
I know times have changed from the days that our mothers and fathers would make us pick up after ourselves and we were not allowed to leave our mess around. Lets draw on that when we are in a clothing store. Lets stop unraveling shirts, pants, dresses, blouses and throwing them back on a heap. When you miss the heap and they fall on the floor, pick it up. Remember that the store attendant did not mess it up. If you think that it’s their job to pick up after us, stop and think about it.
All store parking lots have trash cans so use them. If you cannot leave your trash inside your car in an empty plastic bag, then walk over to the trash can and leave it there. You will feel good and you are setting and maintaining what should be a community standard. The the worst of all social infractions is dispensing soiled diapers in store parking lots. Worse yet when you see pigeons, crackles and other birds feasting on what belongs in a sewer treatment plant. Above is the pigeon in EP that could not fly after feasting.
How about the empty plastic bags snagged on the fences along Highway 57. Must we blame the city or the county officials for such blight? How about starting with those that throw them out the window as they leave Eagle Pass. Again, you will find trash cans that are there for us to use. But if you feel that we have a right to disposed of them in that manner because we are taxpayers…stop and think about it. Or do you think that our public officials like our store attendant should pick up after us? Please.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Ft. Duncan Club
One of our fellow alumni has suggested that our community should consider rebuilding the old Ft. Duncan Club and the idea has stuck with me. Is it possible?...yes. Is anyone willing to front such a proposal?...maybe. This is what I think. First, I believe the property belongs to the city. Any contractor worth his money would be able to rebuilt using some of the existing material as long as they meet city codes. How would it be financed. Privately, without tax money. There are enough businesses in town that would have use of such a club and there are hundreds that would pay for membership. I'm curious to know if anyone out there is giving this some thought.