The entire school district has been approved for a total of $7,193,000 from the stimulus bill educational funds enacted by the 111th United States Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama on February 17, 2009.
From this amount, $4,2008,000 is directed for expenditures allowed under the Title 1-A which gives School districts a wide latitude in the expenditure of funds to improve student achievement. Title I funds can be used for tutoring, reducing class size and after school programs.
The remaining $2,985,000 falls under IDEA Part B expenses which are intended to ensure that children with disabilities have access to a appropriate public education that meets a child’s unique needs and prepares him or her for further education, employment, and independent living.
All these funds are at the disposal of our school district that besides improvements in education, they are also intended to stimulate the economy through purchases, hiring and yes even some construction.
In the State of Texas, the Texas Education Agency was entrusted to establish the processes that need to be followed to bring order to the allocation of federal funds. Communities and educational institutions are pleased with the generous amounts available to school districts but many are equally concerned about possible fraud, waste, abuse, or mismanagement of these federal funds. The Texas Education Agency insists that districts be open with details about how they plan to apply these funds. They have also asked for accountability and transparency and suggested that each district conduct a comprehensive needs assessment to inform the public how they plan to spend these funds.
The House Select Committee on Federal Economic Stabilization was created to provide transparency and accountability of the $16 billion that will be available to Texas.
It behooves everyone in Maverick County to be aware of our district’s need assessment and to participate to the extent allowed for the sake of our children’s education.
More later.