
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

EP alumni get special invitation to Garza's play

(Script uploaded)

EPalumni.Com rerouted to New Site

You have been re-routed to this site from the EPalumni.Com while we try to repair the site after being hacked. We will be using this site until our original site is fully restored. R. Castillo

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Chief of Police..Fired

Now that's some light has been shed on the reason for the firing of Eagle Pass Chief of Police, it turns out that there was no criminal activity associated with his dismissal. However, what it does disclose is that city staff reached so far back to incidents they allege were significant enough to terminate him. While it's not known if Castaneda serves at the will of the city manager, there appears to be little information as to whether the discrepancies being cited were addressed with him at the time they occurred or shortly thereafter. Additionally it is not known whether city administration offered him the opportunity to correct that which has now ended his longtime career. The precarious position that the city has placed themselves may be a determining factor if this matter reaches a court. But regardless on how future developments play out, Castaneda is likely to demand his right to confront his accusers. So, the drama continues.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Lets Do It Right..For Once

By Robert Castillo

Some would say that this is a sad day in the history of Maverick County while others rejoice in the fact that once and for all the corruption that prevailed is being exposed and those that are guilty will serve for their misdeeds.

There are numerous lessons to be learned by what has transpired and it would be a shame if our community failed to take advantage of what we have learned. One thing that we must recognize is that the County has mishandled the bidding of contracts with those that do business with the County. Some characterize the bidding process as chaotic, under-supervised and totally open for abuse.

The county is about to embark on a $3 million project which leads some to speculate whether the County will also mismanaged this contract. The question remains whether the $3 million is a accurate cost estimate for the construction of the landfill. The amount of this contract is significant enough that it should be adequately advertised so that the citizens of Maverick County can get the most for their money. The company hired should be able to stand up to scrutiny with guarantees that the project will be completed successfully.

The use of consultants should also be scrutinized to determine whether they are really necessary. There should also be a clear explanation as to the duties of such consultants and whether they are necessary for the completion of the project. There should also be a clear indication as to who is responsible and whether that responsibility falls on the landfill board or on Commissioners Court.

The community only hopes that the recent arrests are enough to discourage further criminal activity involving our tax money. Only time will tell.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Texas Judicial Commission suspends JP Cesar Perez

By Robert Castillo

EAGLE PASS - Justice of the Peace Cesar Perez' duties were suspended today by the Texas Judicial Commission in a letter sent to Maverick County Judge David Saucedo. The Judicial Commission also suspended his pay. 

The basis for his suspension came as a result of his recent arrest for allegedly engaging in organized criminal activity and theft by a public servant.

During research for this new story, it was determined that Perez has come to the attention of the Judicial Commission in a previous instance and received a Public Warning by the Judicial Commission. (

Judge Saucedo and Commissioner's Court will discuss this most recent development and decide how to proceed. 

Landfill Board accepts Chavez resignation

By Robert Castillo

EAGLE PASS - The Board of Directors of the Maverick County landfill accepted the much publicized resignation of Hector D. Chavez as Manager of the county landfill at Tuesday's regularly scheduled meeting at the County courthouse. Some were expecting information about Chavez resignation but none was given.

The Board also approved the initiation of plans to construct a second landfill cell. The Board had been told of the urgency to proceed after it was determined that the existing cell ( Cell 1) would soon reach full capacity. The Board also gave the go ahead for the hiring of a new landfill manager.

At this point, there is no additional information how the Board will proceed. Questions remain whether the position for landfill manager will be be published allowing interested persons to apply. Also unknown is whether bids will be taken from companies interested in being considered for the landfill construction project whose cost is expected to reach as much as $3 million.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Unable to perform

Much time has elapsed since my last post and plenty has happened since. As of today, we have two commissioners charged with crimes that may keep them from performing their duties as county commissioner.

One of them has been incarcerated since his arrest and has been unable to perform the duties of a Commissioner while the other is out on bond and for all practical purposes continues to carry out his duties.

Neither has been tried in a court of law therefore are considered innocent until proven guilty. Some have suggested that it will be difficult to replace the one on bond because he continues to perform his duties. The other one is a different story and that is because he was denied bond.

The urgency to do something seems to have dwindled and may remain the same for some time.