There were many important things happening all over the world today that I should be concerned about and I am. For instance, the bill to designate a day to end the Iraq war failed for lack of support from the Republicans. Another things was the tax increase of 4% which will be tacked on to our home phones and also our cell phones. But day in and day out, we work at our job and at the end of the day, we look forward to getting home, changing to comfortable clothes and having dinner with our family. So this afternoon I decide to stop by Taco Cabana at the intersection of IH 35 and Theo for some faquita tacos. I thought that two should do the trick. That's $1.89 each and with tax (.o82) that comes to $2.00 each. Now how can Taco Cabana call this a taco? Have they not seen what Morales tacos sells at the intersection of Main and Medina? If you must have fajita tacos from Taco Cabana, go to the one on SW Military. One of their's makes three from the one on Theo.