Day two of my liberation from my website that I kept up for 14 years. Its hard to break old habits. I find myself checking my email box from time to time. I don’t get any email anymore and I knew that would happen. But I did read some nasty messages left by someone that is upset that the page is not up anymore. But at the end of his message he accuses me of being bought out by politicians. What I will probably miss more than anything is pursuing stories created by “chismosos”. Those are the ones that would post statements like “is it true that they are closing the bridge?” Now, this poster simply wants to start a rumor and wants to see how far it goes.
Last night I went out to Pico De Gallo (in San Antonio) with a fellow classmate and we talked about others from our class. He suggested that we organize a small reunion; “small” being the operative word. At our last gathering, we had about 14. For about two hours we talked about going to the buck night drive in. We talked about the pep rallies on Main St and the bonfires at the vega before the homecoming game, and the wooden floors at Kress.We all said our goodbyes with hopes and promises that we would meet more often, which did not happen.
For the record, Luis and I had our picture taken at Pico De Gallo and we are calling that our classes reunion for this year. So, we had a good reunion, the food was excellent, we had mariachis and the place was packed. There, that takes care of our 45-year class reunion.