In a news story out of Eagle Pass, it is being reported that members of the Kikapoo Tribe held a meeting in their District Court. What is confusing is whether this court has the same standing as State District Courts. The article states that a manifest acknowledges that an election was held and that the process must continue and that the will of the Tribe must be respected. The Court met on Kikapoo property and among those present were Makateonenodua and attorney Gloria Hernandez. During this meeting, it was disclosed that Attorney Hernandez receives 10% of the Casino’s revenue as her salary.
Most recent articles covering the developing saga of the Kikapoo have been rather vague. I continue with some of the same questions that are not answered by existing news reports.
I am still curious about the so called “Kikapoo District Court.” In the recent news story it mentions that Dan B. Morgan is the new District Judge named by the current Kikapoo Council. In the same news article, it reports that Dan Naranjo, the previous District Judge was removed by attorney Gloria Hernandez for “giving an order she did not like.” If this is true, what was the order that Naranjo gave that cost him his position?
The article does not mention how this last meeting came about. Did both sides agree to this meeting? And if Judge Morgan has in fact opined that the will of the Kikapoo must prevail, does that mean that the current council will be replaced?