History in the making.....
I have been trying to keep up with the plight of the Kikapoo tribe of Eagle Pass by reading everything that is being written concerning the developing story about their tribe and its politics. My interpretation of all these stories tells me that the tribe is under the direction of the officially recognized head. He sits on what is being called a council and they are being adviced by an attorney. This council is responsible with the daily operations of the Kikapoo Casino and everything that takes place on their property or reservation. They have their own security force that carries out the directives from the council.
Recently, an older faction of Kikapoos that were ousted from power in an “election” held another election and by over 80 votes from Kikapoo voters, this older faction was declared winners and were supposed to regain their position. As of today, they have not take their position because the current council will not honor the election. The current faction is supported in their position by the intervention of District Judge Morgan. I am not sure what exactly the District Judge is doing with regards to this disagreement and no article has clarified that at all.
The winning faction has stated that this issue will be taken before the proper court of jurisdiction for a ruling on when and how they should take possession of the council, the Kikapoo Casino and their interests. This is what I know and I assure you someone will step forward and tell me how wrong I am. Please do and then enlightened me.