
Monday, June 16, 2008

I need to go to sleep

The reason why my entries are lagging behind is quite simply because I don't have much to say about anything in particular. I spend enough time reading other blogs and some of them are so insightful, at times even meaningful that it puts me to shame...real shame. If I had to do it over again I would have liked to be a writer that could express thoughts to writing in a way everyone could appreciate. Lately I have enjoyed doing photography just for fun and it makes me feel good. Since my retirement from State, I have tried joining groups but find it difficult to talk about retirement. Somehow it doesn't feel like its over to some extent. I have to stop myself from thinking about starting another "project." My current activity is to eliminate clutter. I have too many books that have not been read and just as many that have. I also have too many wire connectors and power adapters that were used on things I no longer have. And as you can see...I just wasted my time in writing something about nothing. Its 1:14 am....I need to go to sleep. Good night.