
Monday, January 21, 2008

Can anyone really explain it....

We hear that the county is deeply in debt but beyond that we do not know the extent. The current condition no doubt impacts on services and taxpayer's expectations for needed county improvements. As long as we don't know the exact indebtedness, we will assume that the condition is beyond repair. That leads to the question of whether anyone in the county can fix the problem. Seeing what is happening across the country shows us that the problem exists in many other places as well. While its tempting to ask commissioners to forego their salaries, the savings may not be much of a solution. Instead commissioner's should let us know how serious the problem is and help explore serious solutions that are working in other parts of the state.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sad chapter apparently over...

With another sad chapter apparently over, I am left to wonder just how many other false credentials have elevate others in professional positions in our town.

What has happened in Eagle Pass also occurred in San Antonio and involved city firemen that received sizeable increases in pay if they had a "degree". Auditors found that degrees not recognized by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board abounded. So now they found themselves dealing with a mammoth problem of returning those with such degrees to a level commensurate with their scholastic attainment. They also had to decide whether to demand the return of money that was wrongfully paid.

Management experts admit that the use of questionable credentials has increased dramatically and attribute this to the growing cost of higher education. They also recognized a personality trait of some that have a proclivity to excel no matter what it takes.

But the perplexing question has to be whether we have other such degrees in any of the other public agencies in Maverick County. Perhaps this would be a good Monday assignment for all public administrators to task someone to check.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ethical Stardards and more...

Members of our city council are now facing the dilemma of keeping Glen Starnes as our city manager even though he has publicly admitted that he lied about his credentials when he applied for the position he now holds. And now hundreds have heard that from his own lips through the YouTube innovation. If that was not enough, his admission was again seen, heard and broadcasted by newscaster Chris Marrou on KENS-TV in San Antonio. This simple disclosure would suffice in reaching a decision about his future employment. In the realm of professional competition, falsely enhancing one's achievements and scholastic qualifications has to be deplored because it goes against a higher standard that recognizes that pursuing a higher education is a matter of determination, effort and at times sacrifice. The Council has made their collective decision to overlook this discrepancy and continue on with business. For those of us that cherish what we have legitimately attained after many year in institutions of higher learning, we must not grow cynical but proudly continue to compete against each other in a fair and honest manner.

Friday, January 04, 2008

the message that needs to be heard....

The decision to go after those with arrest warrants issued for failure to appear in municipal court is definitely a step is the right and legal direction. Not only will it serve to bring in fines, which will support the operation of the court, but also it will send the message that needs to be heard. Not too long ago I remember hearing from a candidate for justice of the peace say that if elected he would take into consideration that many local residents are poor and don't have the money to pay fines. If elected, he would take that into consideration in dispensing justice. I can empathize with drivers who are fined for not having auto insurance because they don't have the income. I have no sympathy for the ones that get cited for driving while intoxicated. If they can afford the alcohol they should be able to afford the fine. Our town like countless other communities offers periods of amnesty which allows offenders to settle their fines through time payment agreements. Amnesty should only be allowed for specific offenses and not for all. So is there something else that can allow offenders to pay their fines. Yes there is.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Our unfounded cynicism...

Do you ever wonder just how bad the drug trafficking was four or five years ago? I remember our community’s initial reluctance to admit that we had a drug problem in our small town. Just yesterday, authorities confiscated 24 pounds of cocaine and in the week prior, larger amounts have been confiscated. It would be an eye-opener if we got to see the total seizures for this last year. We can assume that trafficking through our port of entry has gotten more difficult because of our emphasis on securing our border and all the money being expended on increased vigilance. I guess we can speculate that this amount of trafficking has been going on for many years and went undetected until now. We must also realize that a simple traffic stop by law enforcement officers has yield large quantities of drugs. And yet, our unfounded cynicism attributes these illegal activities to our surge in new and better homes.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Any missing laptops....?

I must admit that my memory is not what it use to be considering that I am almost at the verge of claiming my lifetime contribution towards social security. I have also noticed that my recollection is rather selective. I remember many incidents that punctuate the evolution of our municipality most of which involve incidents sometimes like the recent fisticuffs involving our district prosecutor and an agent from ICE. It troubles me when I don't read or hear of the final disposition of these incidents much like what came of the reports of stolen cement sacks from the city yard, the loss of $16000 from the property room, the missing gasoline from the city pumps and the loss of many laptops from our high school. I also wonder what happened to the Police Chief hired from outside EP that defended one of his officers after the officer was pressured for giving one of our top politicians a ticket on Del Rio Boulevard. By the way, I wonder if we have any missing our unaccountable laptops at our schools. Just wondering.