
Sunday, December 31, 2006


I have lived long enough to remember the popularity of CB radios many years ago and along with others form a Maverick County chapter of REACT. React monitored channel 9 for emergency calls and we handled plenty. We were able to correct misuse by newcomers to CB and believe we were responsible in getting help to those in need. Slowly CB use declined because of abuse and lack of civility. Much like graffiti taggers, some used it to express their vulgarity. While many continue to use it, it is no longer as popular as before.

So now what is to become of internet use? While we are able to block and track abusers, we are almost helpless to fend off the POP-UPS. I have researched this subject looking for a solution to this problem which has become so bad that I have to restart my computer to clear all of them. I have tried Roadrunner's pop-up blocker software and also Adware and many others but in reading more about this growing problem, the experts admit that pop-ups can not be effectively eliminated and we will have to live with it. In these same articles, we are told that companies like Google, Yahoo, New York Times and other major companies are now using pop-ups to advertise. I may hold on to my computer longer than I did to my CB radio.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

No more dying.

Tonight was quite a departure for Andy Rooney on 60 minutes when he spent all his time asking the question, "Why are we in Iraq?". Surprising was the seriousness of his demeanor during the broadcast. I felt good hearing that because I have had growing concerns about the ongoing war with no end. I have not been vocal about my sentiment concerning this subject, not because it may be seen as a betrayal to all those that served and in some cases die. I was not really sure how I felt about it. I think I must join Rooney and the many others that can no longer justify the deaths of our youngsters.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Zeros... I go again. You can say that I got into computers on December 23,1976 on the day I drove to San Antonio from Eagle Pass and bought an Apple IIe. Computers were simple..with no need for virus protection. Computer were too expensive and not necessarily in the hands of zeros. (Zeros are people that have no value and only occupy space.) I used mine for work, doing sorts for program eligibility and completing long repetitious government forms. I was truly a time saver. Now, its very different. I recently signed up for DSL and the first thing I noticed was the speed. I was very pleased with the performance and even more with the offer of a virus protection program touted as one of the best because of it updates. For the first month I was able to accomplish more work both on my work assignments and the alumni website. Then I got a pop-up offering me an upgrade to my existing virus protection program. I declined the offer. The offers become relentless. I ran my original virus program every day but the advertisements kept coming. They were literally offering me programs that would stop themselves from their popups. Now I am getting offers to block spyware, adware and file theft. So the zeros have now become virus protection salesman and may be working for our major DSL providers.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

A Step in the Right Direction

Interested parties are considering using the old hospital for a police statiion and city offices, including municipal court(s). The idea is a good one provided that the cost to operate a building that big is not prohibitive. This offers the city the opportunity to enhance their law enformcement program by offering space to state or federal law enforcment as well. Since its apparent that misdemeanor crimes are growing at a rapid pace, more than one municipal court may be justfied and paid for by adopting a more aggresive fine enforcement. Despite denials, our community is quickly growing into a drug infested town that is affecting our youth and their families. More needs to be done and done quickly. The use of our old hospital building and the programs that can be enhanced would certainly be a step in the right direction.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Taco Cabana cuts cost

There were many important things happening all over the world today that I should be concerned about and I am. For instance, the bill to designate a day to end the Iraq war failed for lack of support from the Republicans. Another things was the tax increase of 4% which will be tacked on to our home phones and also our cell phones. But day in and day out, we work at our job and at the end of the day, we look forward to getting home, changing to comfortable clothes and having dinner with our family. So this afternoon I decide to stop by Taco Cabana at the intersection of IH 35 and Theo for some faquita tacos. I thought that two should do the trick. That's $1.89 each and with tax (.o82) that comes to $2.00 each. Now how can Taco Cabana call this a taco? Have they not seen what Morales tacos sells at the intersection of Main and Medina? If you must have fajita tacos from Taco Cabana, go to the one on SW Military. One of their's makes three from the one on Theo.

Rambling --Continued

I stopped on the previous post kinda short because I was told to put out the trash in time for pick up. Let me just say that if any politician in EP is doing anything unethical or illegal, I have not seen it, read it or heard of it. I am old enough to remember the days of Judge Bibb, Stevenson and Pete Rossi. Those were heated elections that invigorated the town. Candidates would block off a street and hold their political rallies...along with good carne asada with all the trimmings. The best ones were held at San Juan Plaza. Those that could not get a place at the table would eat on the hood of their car. Music played for four hours and even the opponent's people would show up for the good meal. Mr. Harper often provided the cooks and steaks that never ran out. Those were the days.

Rambling again..

I'm posting this because I have not done so in some time. Well I am somewhat dismayed by what is occuring on our message board ( ). Our locals and those elsewhere are not pleased with our local politicians for unknown reasons. No one will actually say what it is that our elected officials are doing or not doing that upsets them so much. If I may speak for them just to get something down on paper, let me try to guess. Our politicians are not creating high paying jobs. They are not raising the quality of life in EP such as beautiful parks, jogging trails, golf driving ranges, country clubs, camping sites, cleaner streets, night clubs, bowling alleys or allies, water sking (sp), hiking trails other than those along the Rio Grande, a new mall, vocational colleges and miniture golf. Perhaps our locals do not like to see the politician's family members get good jobs in Eagle Pass because it gives the semblance of favoritism. Some might be tired of seeing them at the customary ribbon cuttings uttering the same old speech about how they made it possible for this new business to exists. Perhaps our town would rather see more candidates like Cesar Chavez than those like Henry Cisneros. Its possible that many equate honesty with being humble rather than one with self-assurance. Who knows.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I don't hate Mexicans, I hate Mexico

I don't hate Mexicans

It's quite surprising to find so many Hispanics that now live in the United States opposing the recent immigrant issues. I am not surprised about my own belief even though there are no so called illegal aliens in my family. My grandparents on my father side came from Mexico but they did it legally. My grandmother on my mother side was actually somewhat of a redneck and often voiced her dislike of Mexican nationals although she married one. That too is surprising to find many elderly grandparents that have some distrust and even distaste for immigrants. You kinda want to ask, what they did to them to turn this diluted rage against those that want to come to this country just like they did.

Getting beyond the rage one such lady explained it this way. "I do not hate Mexicans, I hate Mexico," she said. We were poor but happy but then the United States became too much of a lure and family members urged us to go to the States simply for the goods. "We always brought things from American but we stayed in Mexico. It was a pleasant family life. Our youth respected us and they too were happy. After we left our country and went to America, things changed. We had money and things but a simple life was no longer enough. Families started competing with each other about who had more possessions. We worked harder to stay ahead but in the process; we lost our children and their respect. If Mexico had allowed us to have a decent life we would not have come to America. Mexico is corrupt and it will always be. "

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Need facts....anyone

In a news story out of Eagle Pass, it is being reported that members of the Kikapoo Tribe held a meeting in their District Court. What is confusing is whether this court has the same standing as State District Courts. The article states that a manifest acknowledges that an election was held and that the process must continue and that the will of the Tribe must be respected. The Court met on Kikapoo property and among those present were Makateonenodua and attorney Gloria Hernandez. During this meeting, it was disclosed that Attorney Hernandez receives 10% of the Casino’s revenue as her salary.

Most recent articles covering the developing saga of the Kikapoo have been rather vague. I continue with some of the same questions that are not answered by existing news reports.

I am still curious about the so called “Kikapoo District Court.” In the recent news story it mentions that Dan B. Morgan is the new District Judge named by the current Kikapoo Council. In the same news article, it reports that Dan Naranjo, the previous District Judge was removed by attorney Gloria Hernandez for “giving an order she did not like.” If this is true, what was the order that Naranjo gave that cost him his position?

The article does not mention how this last meeting came about. Did both sides agree to this meeting? And if Judge Morgan has in fact opined that the will of the Kikapoo must prevail, does that mean that the current council will be replaced?

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

$5.4 Billion profit...1st quarter

Once again we are being told that the five major oil companies in the United States are enjoying a record profit for the first quarter of this year. At this rate Exxon expects to surpass last years annual profit. We also heard President Bush offering his solution to the problem, which may be a little too late. What has become apparent is that a viable solution is not going to come from his administration. His Republican supporters are now thinking about their chances in November and so we may start to hear from them as well. So what can we do to ease the economic pain of our nation? Personally, I have already started to curtail all recreational driving. I will not be buying any gas-guzzler and I will support any effort to get alternative fuel on the market as soon as possible. And let me say, from one that has always strongly supported the right for business to make a profit, I cannot trust any oil company to help us. They will continue to take our money and blame the war and now Venezuela for their uncontrollable greed. And I am sorry to say......I don’t trust our President anymore.

Friday, April 21, 2006

The Plight of the Kikapoo..history in the making

History in the making.....

I have been trying to keep up with the plight of the Kikapoo tribe of Eagle Pass by reading everything that is being written concerning the developing story about their tribe and its politics. My interpretation of all these stories tells me that the tribe is under the direction of the officially recognized head. He sits on what is being called a council and they are being adviced by an attorney. This council is responsible with the daily operations of the Kikapoo Casino and everything that takes place on their property or reservation. They have their own security force that carries out the directives from the council.

Recently, an older faction of Kikapoos that were ousted from power in an “election” held another election and by over 80 votes from Kikapoo voters, this older faction was declared winners and were supposed to regain their position. As of today, they have not take their position because the current council will not honor the election. The current faction is supported in their position by the intervention of District Judge Morgan. I am not sure what exactly the District Judge is doing with regards to this disagreement and no article has clarified that at all.

The winning faction has stated that this issue will be taken before the proper court of jurisdiction for a ruling on when and how they should take possession of the council, the Kikapoo Casino and their interests. This is what I know and I assure you someone will step forward and tell me how wrong I am. Please do and then enlightened me.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

EP is changing

Times..they are a'changing..

Here is some constructive praise for our good ole Eagle Pass. Let me say that this praise comes from someone who is highly critical but has learned to wait enough to let things change for the better. My compliment is for the citizens of Eagle Pass who/whom are doing things to our town. Eagle Pass is changing and looking much better. Not only is it clean but some people are fixing up their homes rather than buying those $50,000 empty lots. As much as we hate to see the old Aztec go, it has changed to office spaces in the downtown area. A gazebo and street benches has also added to the downtown area. So there is reason to be optimistic.

A Tribute to Mikey

A Tribute to Mikey

On Saturday I took my usual place on Ceylon Street and watched our annual Friendship Parade. Most of it was much like last year's with some exceptions. I was pleased to see two entries that acknowledged the passing of Mikey Castillo which paid tribute to him by showing his motorcycle. As told by those around me, Mickey loved riding his motorcycle. It was somewhat emotional to see his friends show their respect for his existence and demise. (Cell phone ringing..will finish later.)

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Critical News….at 12, 5 and 10pm

One of the many things one learns growing up in Eagle Pass is being critical. I really..really feel that our community provides numerous venues for people to be critical of people and the way things are done. There are many news sources that have an inherent attitude and viewpoint about what they report. For example, in San Antonio, there is a sportscaster on KMOL-TV that I have seen for almost a year. In the beginning, he seemed hesitant but in time gained more confidence in his reporting. Apparently he is now so comfortable that all his broadcast start with a critical comment about how players play and owners manage their teams. His criticism has become so prevalent that very little sports news gets air time. In fact, if you want to hear his personal views you tune in but if you are interested in information, you must go elsewhere.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Public Servant

Yesterday was truly a sad day for Mr. George Dickerson and his family. You see, George had worked for Zachry Construction for 27 years. Somewhere near his home a nightclub had become extremely popular, with patrons coming from all over the city. Police records indicated that as many as 300 calls to that location were made and this was perhaps what made George decide to contact his city councilwoman to express his feelings about the problems this club and its patrons brought into his area. George described some of the patrons as low class that were coming into a higher class area. Apparently George made one mistake in contacting his representative councilwoman, he used the company computer. The councilwoman did not contact George, instead she contact higher ups at Zachry and they in turn fired George. The next day, George committed suicide.