
Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ethical Stardards and more...

Members of our city council are now facing the dilemma of keeping Glen Starnes as our city manager even though he has publicly admitted that he lied about his credentials when he applied for the position he now holds. And now hundreds have heard that from his own lips through the YouTube innovation. If that was not enough, his admission was again seen, heard and broadcasted by newscaster Chris Marrou on KENS-TV in San Antonio. This simple disclosure would suffice in reaching a decision about his future employment. In the realm of professional competition, falsely enhancing one's achievements and scholastic qualifications has to be deplored because it goes against a higher standard that recognizes that pursuing a higher education is a matter of determination, effort and at times sacrifice. The Council has made their collective decision to overlook this discrepancy and continue on with business. For those of us that cherish what we have legitimately attained after many year in institutions of higher learning, we must not grow cynical but proudly continue to compete against each other in a fair and honest manner.